
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  My name is Anna and I was born in Norway many moons ago to a Norwegian father and an English mother.  In those days it was unusual to have a mixed national background and as my parents met in London I was all set to inherit the travel bug.

Both my parents travelled a lot even before they met and that was also unusual as they came from pretty working-class backgrounds and travel was mostly the privilege of the rich.

I have been to lots of places so far but there are plenty more to discover.  I always travel independently but not always on my own.  It’s nice to have company for part of the way.  My style of travel is anything from camping in the bush to a smart hotel but mostly somewhere in the middle.  I am a big fan of AirBnb and am a host myself when I am at home in London.

After many years working in investment banking in the City of London I was lucky enough to be able to take early retirement and can now indulge not only my passion for travel but also knitting, dog walking and most of all being involved in a great global volunteer organisation called CISV.  CISV educates and inspires action for a just and peaceful world and these days with good Wifi in most places I can take my volunteer work with me.